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Ultimate heroes

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Ultimate heroes

A universe where heroes from Marvel and DC meet each other and fight great evils.

2 posters

    Hulk, the strongest of them all


    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2011-06-27
    Age : 27

    Hulk, the strongest of them all Empty Hulk, the strongest of them all

    Post by Shinzo Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:53 pm

    -General Information

    Full Name: Bruce banner

    Codename or Alias: The Hulk

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20 -30

    Birthdate: N/A

    Place Of Birth: USA (All info i could find)

    Occupation/Status: Physicist and Genetics researcher (Was)

    Alignment: Good

    The Worthy
    Horsemen of Apocalypse
    The Order
    New Fantastic Four

    Canon Or Original?: Canon

    Unlimited superhuman strength, stamina, and durability
    Can survive in space for some time before being knocked out
    Enhanced leaping ability
    Regenerative healing factor (almost unlimited)
    Genius-level intellect in later incarnations
    Growth (some cases he grows a bit)

    The Hulk possesses the potential for limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger.[41] This has been reflected in the repeated comment, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside."[42] His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper.[43] Greg Pak described the Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal—and most immortals—who ever walked the Earth."[44]

    The Hulk's level of strength is normally limited by Banner's subconscious influence. When Hulk allowed Jean Grey to psionically "shut Banner off", he reached a scale of power on which he managed to overpower and destroy the physical form of the villain Onslaught, at a time when it had reached a level with the fictional godlike entities, the Celestials.[45]

    The Hulk is resistant to most forms of injury or damage. The extent varies between interpretations, but he has withstood the equivalent of core solar temperatures,[46] nuclear explosions,[47] and planet-shattering impacts.[48] Despite his remarkable resiliency, continuous barrages of high-caliber gunfire can hinder his movement to some degree, and this has been consistently portrayed outside the comic books, in both live-action films and animation. He has been shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including growing tissues to allow him to breathe underwater,[49] surviving unprotected in space for extended periods,[50][51] and when injured, healing from most wounds within seconds.[52] As an effect, he has an extremely prolonged lifespan.[53]

    The Hulk's powerful legs allow him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents,[54] and he has displayed sufficient superhuman speed to match Thor,[55] or the Sentry.[56]

    He also possesses less commonly described powers, including abilities allowing him to "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico,[57] resist psychic control,[58] or unwilling transformation;[59] grow stronger from radiation[60] or dark magic;[61] and to see and interact with astral forms.[62]

    In the early days of the first Hulk comic series, "massive" doses of gamma rays (such as from the explosion of a hand-held nuclear grenade) would cause the Hulk to transform back to Bruce Banner, although this ability was written out of the character by the 1970s.

    As Bruce Banner, he is considered one of the greatest minds on Earth. He has developed expertise in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, and physiology, and holds a Ph.D. in nuclear physics. He possesses "a mind so brilliant it cannot be measured on any known intelligence test."[63] Bruce Banner also makes use of his intelligence to create highly advanced technology labelled as "Bannertech", which is on par with technological development from Tony Stark or Doctor Doom. The most common Bannertech Bruce uses is a force field able to shrug off blows from Hulk-level entities, along with a teleporter, which can be used to transport an unknown number of people. Bannertech is also used by Amadeus Cho, as well as the Hulk persona itself.



    Visual Appearance:

    Hulk, the strongest of them all 425.the.incredible.hulk.033108

    Hulk, the strongest of them all The-hulk-od-2003

    Physical Appearance:

    Clothing and Armor:
    Due to Hulk's large body he is only seen wearing a purple or black tatered, stretched and torn up pants.


    Likes: Betty

    Dislikes: Everything that angers him

    Fears: Nothing

    Bad Habits: Smashing and destroying everything

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    General Personality:
    Hulk is always angry and resorts to destroying things (everything). But believe it or not, Hulk is actually good in his own way. He does not personally go on rampages unless he is provoked (which is alot)

    Character's History


    Mother: Unknown [Deceased]

    Father: David banner [Deceased]

    Other Family: Betty Ross [Wife (in comics)]


    Bruce BannerThe core of the Hulk, Bruce Banner has been portrayed differently by different writers, but common themes persist. Banner, a genius, is emotionally withdrawn in most fashions.[1] Banner designed the gamma bomb which caused his affliction, and the ironic twist of his self-inflicted fate has been one of the most persistent common themes.[2] Arie Kaplan describes the character thus: "Bruce Banner lives in a constant state of panic, always wary that the monster inside him will erupt, and therefore he can’t form meaningful bonds with anyone."[5]

    Throughout the Hulk's published history, writers have continued to frame Bruce Banner in these themes. Under different writers, his fractured personality led to transformations into different versions of the Hulk. These transformations are usually involuntary, and often writers have tied the transformation to emotional triggers, such as rage and fear. As the series has progressed, different writers have adapted the Hulk, changing Hulk's personality to reflect changes in Banner's physiology or psyche. Writers have also refined and changed some aspects of Banner's personality, showing him as emotionally repressed, but capable of deep love for Betty Ross, and for solving problems posed to him. Under the writing of Paul Jenkins, Banner was shown to be a capable fugitive, applying deductive reasoning and observation to figure out the events transpiring around him. On the occasions that Banner has controlled the Hulk's body, he has applied principles of physics to problems and challenges and used deductive reasoning. It was shown after his ability to turn into the Hulk was taken away by the Red Hulk that Banner has been extremely versatile as well as cunning when dealing with the many situations that followed.

    [edit] The HulkDuring the experimental detonation of a gamma bomb, scientist Bruce Banner rushes to save a teenager who has driven onto the testing field. Pushing the teen, Rick Jones, into a trench, Banner himself is caught in the blast, absorbing massive amounts of radiation. He awakens later in an infirmary, seeming relatively unscathed, but that night transforms into a lumbering grey form that breaks through the wall and escapes. A soldier in the ensuing search party dubs the otherwise unidentified creature a "hulk".[26]

    The original version of the Hulk was often shown as simple and quick to anger. His first transformations were triggered by sundown, and his return to Banner by dawn. However, in Incredible Hulk #4, Banner started using a gamma-ray device to transform at will.[27] In more recent Hulk stories, emotions trigger the change. Although grey in his debut, difficulties for the printer led to a change in his color to green. In the original tale, the Hulk divorces his identity from Banner’s, decrying Banner as "that puny weakling in the picture."[26] From his earliest stories, the Hulk has been concerned with finding sanctuary and quiet,[2] and often is shown reacting emotionally to situations quickly. Grest and Weinberg call Hulk the "dark, primordial side of [Banner's] psyche."[4] Even in the earliest appearances, Hulk spoke in the third person. The Hulk retains a modest intelligence, thinking and talking in full sentences, and Lee even gives the Hulk expository dialogue in issue six, allowing readers to learn just what capabilities the Hulk has, when the Hulk says, "But these muscles ain't just for show! All I gotta do is spring up and just keep goin'!" In Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics, Les Daniels addresses the Hulk as an embodiment of cultural fears of radiation and nuclear science. He quotes Jack Kirby thus: "As long as we're experimenting with radioactivity there's no telling what may happen, or how much our advancements may cost us." Daniels continues, "The Hulk became Marvel's most disturbing embodiment of the perils inherent in the atomic age."[28]

    Though usually a loner, the Hulk helped to form both the Avengers[29] and the Defenders.[30] He was able to determine that the changes were now triggered by emotional stress.[31]

    The Fantastic Four #12 (March 1963), featured the Hulk's first battle with the Thing. Although many early Hulk stories involve General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross trying to capture or destroy the Hulk, the main villain is often, like Hulk, a radiation based character, like the Gargoyle or the Leader, along with other foes such as the Toad Men, or Asian warlord General Fang. Ross' daughter, Betty, loves Banner and criticizes her father for pursuing the Hulk. General Ross' right-hand man, Major Glenn Talbot, also loves Betty and is torn between pursuing the Hulk and trying to gain Betty's love more honorably. Rick Jones serves as the Hulk's friend and sidekick in these early tales.

    In the 1970s, Hulk was shown as more prone to anger and rage, and less talkative. Writers played with the nature of his transformations,[32] briefly giving Banner control over the change, and the ability to maintain control of his Hulk form.

    Hulk stories began to involve other dimensions, and in one, Hulk met the empress Jarella. Jarella used magic to bring Banner’s intelligence to Hulk, and came to love him, asking him to become her mate. Though Hulk returned to Earth before he could become her king, he would return to Jarella's kingdom of K'ai again.

    When Bill Mantlo took on writing duties, he led the character into the arena of political commentary when Hulk traveled to Tel Aviv, Israel, encountering both the violence of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the Jewish Israeli heroine Sabra. Soon after, Hulk encountered the Arabian Knight, a Bedouin superhero.[2]

    Under Mantlo's writing, a mindless Hulk was sent to the "Crossroads of Eternity", where Banner was revealed to have suffered childhood traumas which engendered Bruce's repressed rage.[33]

    Having come to terms with his issues, at least for a time, Hulk and Banner physically separated under John Byrne's writing. Separated from the Hulk by Doc Samson,[34] Banner was recruited by the U.S. government to create the Hulkbusters, a government team dedicated to catching Hulk. Banner and Ross married,[35] but Byrne's change in the character was reversed by Al Milgrom, who reunited the two personas,[36] and with issue #324, returned the Hulk to his grey coloration, with the changes occurring at night, regardless of Banner's emotional state. The Hulk appeared to perish in a gamma bomb explosion, but was instead sent to Jarella's home dimension of K'ai.

    Shortly after returning to Earth, Hulk took on the identity of "Joe Fixit," a shadowy behind the scenes figure, working in Las Vegas on behalf of a casino owner, Michael Berengetti.[37] For months, Banner was repressed in Hulk’s mind, but slowly began to reappear. Hulk and Banner began to change back and forth again at dusk and dawn, as the character initially had, but this time, they worked together to advance both their goals, using written notes as communication as well as meeting on a mental plane to have conversations. In The Incredible Hulk #333, the Leader describes the grey Hulk persona as strongest during the night of the new moon and weakest during the full moon. Eventually, the Green Hulk began to reemerge.[38]

    In issue #377, David revamped the Hulk again; Doctor Leonard Samson engages the Ringmaster's services to hypnotize Bruce Banner and force him, the Savage Hulk (Green Hulk) and Mr. Fixit (grey Hulk) to confront Banner's past abuse at the hands of his father Brian Banner. During the session, the three identities confront a "Guilt Hulk," which sadistically torments the three with the abuse of Banner’s father. Facing down this abuse, a new larger and smarter Hulk emerges and completely replaces the "human" Bruce Banner and Hulk personae. This Hulk is a culmination of the three aspects of Banner. He has the vast power of the Savage Hulk, the cunning of the grey Hulk, and the intelligence of Bruce Banner.

    Hulk: Future Imperfect #2 (Jan. 1993) depicting the Maestro. Cover art by George Pérez.Peter David then introduces the Hulk to the Pantheon, a secretive organization built around an extended family of superpowered people.[39] The family members, mostly distant cousins to each other, had codenames based in the mythos of the Trojan War, and were descendants of the founder of the group, Agamemnon. When Agamemnon leaves, he puts the Hulk in charge of the organization. The storyline ends when it is revealed Agamemnon has traded his offspring to an alien race to gain power. The Hulk leads the Pantheon against the aliens, and then moves on. During his leadership of the Pantheon, Hulk encounters a depraved version of himself from the future called Maestro, who Delphi saw in a vision back in The Incredible Hulk vol. 2, #401 with part of the events occurring concurrently in The Incredible Hulk vol. 2, #415.

    Thrown into the future, Hulk finds himself allied with Rick Jones, now an old man, in an effort to destroy the tyrant Maestro. Unable to stop him in any other manner, Hulk uses the time machine that brought him to the future to send the Maestro back into the heart of the very Gamma Bomb test that spawned the Hulk.

    Artistically, the character has been depicted as progressively more muscular in the years since his debut.[40]

    Role Play Sample:
    Bruce who was hiding deep in the forest Jungle was avoiding the Hulk Buster units. He was a doctor and had the language of a tribe. Bruce befriended them and he told them his stories but of course they did not believed him but they still accepted him as one of their own. One day one of the soldiers from the units foudn out where he was hiding and they raided the tribe. They killed everyone while Bruce was away with another member collecting some water. When they arrived back they were caught and the tribe member blamed it on Bruce. Bruce told him to run away as his face slowly became green and his body began growing in size. The buttons on his shirt popped off and shot through the bark of a tree. The man's iris changed green and his vocabulary mostly blocked off as the Hulk persona took over and began roaring. The hulk buster units tried their best to stop him but he only became angrier and bigger. At this time the tribe member ran away out of fear while Hulk had done away with the soldiers. He was relentless although he did not kill them as Bruce told Hulk not to take away their lives. After a coupel seconds of fightning Hulk left with one giant crater in the ground from his powerful leap.

    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2011-06-25

    Hulk, the strongest of them all Empty Re: Hulk, the strongest of them all

    Post by Nathan Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:18 pm


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